Lithuania is a small country with a huge, beating heart and I will be forever proud of my heritage. To me, Lithuania is a dignified place where people stand up for what they believe in; and we’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of our potential. Thinking about celebrating our 100-year restored independence anniversary […]

A program called ” The Basketball Power” urges you to join an initiative by the president of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė, who is encouraging everyone to celebrate 100 years of restored independence of Lithuania by organizing “The Practice of the Century”. The relevance of the idea: This idea developed after realizing how important sports are in Lithuania. Most teenagers and kids participate in sports […]

Can basketball teach the youth to become better people? It is a question that the “Basketball Power” program has been trying to answer for the 4th season in a row. Its goals are to inculcate life lessons to the youth, introduce them to different values and encourage the m to not only grow physically strong, but […]

Basketball creates freedom “Basketball Power” was born in order to bring basketball training to kids that lack adequate attention from society. The goal of the program is to create friendships with youth who cope with socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds daily and to reduce marginalization. A large part of this mission involves devoting time to young […]

Saturday is a perfect day for basketball! The first round of the BP Basketball League took place in Sabonio Basketball Center in Kaunas. BP teams arrived from many different regions of Lithuania. Young basketball players and fans enjoyed a true basketball marathon. The youngest athletes competed in basketball 3 X 3, while older ones challenged […]

Today, the Basketball Power Administration had a meeting and a discussion about the upcoming season. Coaches, coordinators and managers shared their thoughts on project’s development, expansion and best ways to make the most out of this season! Rutenis Paulauskas gave some advice on how to improve coaching skills and Arminas Vareika – the project program […]