The practice of the century

A program called ” The Basketball Power” urges you to join an initiative by the president of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė, who is encouraging everyone to celebrate 100 years of restored independence of Lithuania by organizing “The Practice of the Century”.

The relevance of the idea: This idea developed after realizing how important sports are in Lithuania. Most teenagers and kids participate in sports activities at least once a week in their school or preschool. It is obvious that Lithuanians care for sports after seeing all the crowds in European and World Championships. Lithuanians cheer on their country’s teams after wins and mourn after not so successful performances. That’s why the idea of making “The Practice of the Century” is a great way to celebrate one hundred years of independent Lithuania.

We welcome you to join the celebration and perform any type of sports you like. Getting ready: all you need to do is paint your sports item (ball, bow, racket, etc.) with the three colors of the Lithuanian flag. The sportswear should also represent Lithuania. This is especially important for all the coaches.

How it goes: all together we will put a Lithuanian flag in a place where everybody can see it. The National Anthem will be played. After that, the practice will be carried out as usual: warm-ups, stretching, specific exercises for specific sports. But, after doing every exercise, everyone should explain what Lithuania, the homeland, means to them and what responsibilities they have.

The main purpose of this exercise: to use items with Lithuanian attributes and have an exercise while simultaneously remembering how important this date is to Lithuania. Maybe it’ll be straight shots to the basket 100 times in a row? It’s a difficult task, but why not to try this? Or maybe it will be one hundred goals to the gates? We’ll leave this to the coach’s imagination!

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